Published on February 25, 2024 (Updated on February 27, 2024)

SirRiesling's Halloween Set Java & Bedrock 16x Version


Este paquete de texturas es una versión de menor resolución del paquete de texturas original, pues está hecho en 16x16, la resolución vanilla.¿Con qué objetivo?Con el objetivo de llevar la misma experiencia o al menos una parecida para aquellos jugadores que no acostumbren usar paquetes de texturas de 32x32 pixeles.


This texture pack is a lower resolution version of the original texture pack, as it is made in 16x16, the vanilla resolution.With what objective?With the aim of bringing the same experience or at least a similar one for those players who are not used to using 32x32 pixel texture packs.  

Select version for changelog:


An image was added to the description to better illustrate


Supported Minecraft versions


Installation Guides

Cool, man. I always like seeing Halloween mods regardless of the time of the year.