Slender Man v2

Hi, today I will talk about the Slenderman addon. This addon was inspired by Eric Knudsen creepypasta (slenderman)  Anyways, let's now talk about the skinny boi himself, SlenderMan.    

Select version for changelog:


Change model and texture

Changed animation

Added attack animation

That's all for this update.



Installation Guides

I mean I like slenderman games and I wish it will stalk you in Minecraft but the problem is that he will not stalk you and if it's night there are 20 will spawn make it 1 will spawn In all Minecraft worlds to be great
hey creator make stalk you and give it better like glitching and the screen needs to be glitching too and make only one maximum spawn to 1 too make it scary
The hotfix was the darkness effect because in beta there was a bug that didn't let most potion effect work, which included the darkness effect. Honestly the hotfix was to make sure that the darkness effect worked in the addon.
Do you mind explaining what was changed in the hotfix? That way I can give more relevant feedback.
If your done with the jumpscare, and are looking for another idea. Add pages, if someone breaks one, either teleport a slenderman that is already spawned to nearby the player, or spawn one nearby. Make it so the pages only spawn if their on a wooden log also.
Thank you. I'm a big slenderman fan, thank you for this!
Thanks, i will try to add this to the addon as soon as i can. Because i got a lot of stuff to do but when i can i will add the pages & Mechanic as soon as i can. I did make a little hotfix to the addon, so when that is uploaded, i would like to hear some more feedback because i want to try to make this addon as great as it can be. Thank you for the suggestion and i hope you have a great day :).