Welcome to Survive The Disasters but inside of Minecraft! This version is quite similar actually, the main goal is still the same, you must survive random disasters and not die. Each time you survive a disaster, you earn points, but if you die, you earn no points. Each round lasts 10,000 game ticks, so roughly 10 minutes. After that time, players are sent back into the map room, where they can choose from a variety of 57 maps, ranging from forests, deserts, volcanoes and even Green hill zone?! The game was made using command blocks and redstone. There are secrets and lore to be found too. Remember to rate and to leave feedback to Wafity, so he can keep improving this game! Here is his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSNOzqXo5bdQKKMEEpkwvYQ
Select version for changelog:
Added an extra download which does not include the behavior pack and texture pack.
mediafire link im on console
map looks great