Published on October 09, 2023 (Updated on March 17, 2024)

Trumpet Skeleton BE

Skeleton is a mob that holds a Bow
The Bow is used for shooting arrow

Instead of holding a Bow...
What if they Able to hold a... Trumpet?

That's what this Addon Does!

Select version for changelog:



Added the Tartarean Trumpet Skeleton subpack!

Select the subpack option to enable this addition into the addon

This subpack allows the Trumpet Skeleton to be rarely spawned as Tartarean like the ones from the Tartarean Mobs addon


Again, Thanks to @Doc.WAYO046 for the suggestion!



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Installation Guides

The DOOT is reeeeeeeallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
I’m sadly one who’s slow in head, does this make ALL skeletons how trumpets or are the Trumpet skeletons considered a separate entity
Alr sweet! I was worried that it would replace the usual skeletons that has the bows
The tatarean variant ah yes
Grateful to the one above, to the one above 🎶
Brilliant!! To use it with these changes in my world let's goo

My face when I see the description of "changelog"

On the contrary, as I told you, thanks to you for bringing us this variety of unique, great, fun and very useful addons, every day the RLCRAFT modalities in bedrock plus Canon, thanks to you
Disappointed Skeleton no toot toot :(
Currently impossible for some reason, still trying to make it possible
I have faith, or I'm going to have to make another mob that has more characteristics of a skeleton and that from time to time produces the sound of a trumpet 🎺
Pues en el caso que no se pueda, pues creo que una idea factible es crear un mob que tenga todas las características del esqueleto, sonidos y comportamiento pero que también se incluya el pitido de la 🎺 trompeta, y que también la de como gota /droop /loot, osea un mob que sea copia del esqueleto con su propio spaw y demás, y que emita los sonidos de este y el pitido /sonido de la trompeta el mob. Sería una alternativa
Genial, muchas gracias, eres el mejor
Trumpet skeleton let's goooooo