Published on February 11, 2021 (Updated on October 10, 2021)

Wool Survival (Beta 2)

IMPORTANT: This is a BETA, it may not be stable in some cases and all content is subject to change.

This is a standalone addon, meaning it is likely not compatible with other addons. It isn’t intended to function with them, and attempting to use it with others will not result in the intended experience, and may not be stable.

Do not reproduce this addon or any of it's assets without my consent.


Wool Survival is an expansive add-on that completely changes the experience of the game, to focus more on building, exploring, and progressing than grinding or surviving. Many limiting mechanics are either removed or scaled down, such as hunger and durability. Wool Survival creates fully-custom worlds that are soft, fluffy paradises. Its worlds use completely custom terrain generation and blocks, using no vanilla biomes or blocks. Wool Survival offers a wide host of new blocks that are easy-to-access and have vibrant textures . Explore a new world. Build a massive kingdom. Spelunk to your heart's content. Stave back a vast horde of monsters. What you do in this wonderland is yours to decide

Select version for changelog:


-Added things

-Removed things

-Changed things

(A detailed changelog will be kept starting next update πŸ€ͺ)

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

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Hello! I apologize for my late response, but this also stands for the time being to any similar comments:

1.18 introduced a critical issue that makes the terrain generation of Wool Survival unfixable. While this is very sad, I have plans to continue updating it when a solution is discovered!
The Real angelcat June 16, 2022 at 4:56 pm
So pretty much little big planet but no copyrighted
Hello! I apologize for my late response, but this also stands for the time being to any similar comments:

1.18 introduced a critical issue that makes the terrain generation of Wool Survival unfixable. While this is very sad, I have plans to continue updating it when a solution is discovered!
The addon gave me a Noice idea.. Thank you! I credit you as inspiration! ;)
MrAgentBlaze's Second Account October 11, 2021 at 4:19 am
the only thing separating the wool world from oblivion is a simple flint and steel
Its really good i like it πŸ‘πŸ‘
Make it popular πŸ™‚
Glad you enjoy it. The full release is W.I.P and my discord will be updated with any information. (In terms of popularity, there's also some plans regarding that.)
Why don't you separate the addon and the texture? I love how you make the vanilla world into a literal wool
All the blocks and items are custom-made, so the textures wouldn't crossover exactly. While the atmosphere created by an all-wool environment is very cozy and fun, It was chosen specifically for the addon's builder-friendly and sandbox-friendly features, and separating them wouldn't be as effective, so I have no intentions of doing this.
This is a really awssome addon is orginal and it's very fun to play.
Is this a Texture Pack or a addon?
This is an addon, But it replaces every vanilla item and block (Currently slightly buggy, though)
Wow this actually looks like a really cool minecraft speedrun challenge.
This isn't meant for speedrunning, mainly because it doesn't have an end to it. It's a sandbox addon that removes a majority of vanilla structures. You can't even beat the game since obsidian is yet to be implemented.