Published on November 16, 2019 (Updated on November 18, 2019)


This add-on will turn water into acid which will hurt both players and mobs in-game. Any time that it rains, you better find some place quick to get cover as you will get hurt any time that the acid rain hits you. Same goes with water, you will no longer be able to swim as it will be acid lakes!

Try to survive in a world where water has become acid!

Subscribe to me and YouTube: MadGamer HD

Select version for changelog:


I've Changed the way food works the 9nly a limited amount of food that is good to eat some food u eat will give you a poisoniazid effect



  • AcidRainAddon.mcaddon

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

very good, I loved it
Dont Worry The Addon Files Have Been Currupt.
Making A New Acid Rain Addon Soon
I can't download it
Download link is not working.
The download link doesn’t work.
for anyone that doenst know you need to turn on the experimental mode
How do I download it onto mc pe?
Why double heart?
It looks like a good add on but it doesn’t damage you......
Then what is the point of having mobs if they'll all die in the acid rain?
Зачем 2 полоски хп? Это очень мешает, не мог бы ты убрать это пожалуйсто?
Couldnt help but notice that elder gaurdians take damage from the acid water, could you change that in the next update?
I cant download it.
Aggiungi un ombrello per camminare sotto la pioggia senno bisogna aspettare che finisca di piovere