BestGamer’s Brass and Class Update (Updated!)

Ever wanted an addon that simply adds a handful of new features to enhance your Minecraft world? Well I’ve got you covered! Introduced by this addon is a new ore you can find underground as well as an alloy you can make with it, featuring a new set of tools and armor, blocks and structures with some new utility mobs to be found in them as well. Suit up and get ready for some exploration in the Brass and Class Update!

Select version for changelog:


Fixed the download link leading to the wrong addon

1.1.0 Update Features:

*Added Chiseled Brass Bricks

*Added Brass/Copper/Zinc Goggles, Brass Triangle, Brass Tuba, Schematic and Zinc Battery

*Added Brass Turrets

*Added Campsite and Crumbled Fort structures

*Updated texture of Brass Cleaver

*Cave Workshop Ruins will no longer spawn below y0 or exposed to the ocean floor

*Lightning Boxes are now recharged with Zinc Batteries instead of Storm Staffs

*Zinc Golems can now be supercharged using a Zinc Battery



Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

can you change the Zinc Bar to ingot?
because it doesn't look like vanilla ingot
you must make your addon vanilla"ly"