Published on August 14, 2021 (Updated on August 14, 2021)


BeTerrain is a custom terrain generator for Minecraft Bedrock Edition. BeTerrain completely overhauls the terrain generation, it currently only supports flat plains but other types of terrain and biomes are planned.

Select version for changelog:

  • Changed file provider to Google Drive
  • Updated installation instructions to work with Google Drive



Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

After further playing, i realized that this addon is redundant. Why would you make an addon that makes flat worlds not flat anymore when you could just add all of these features into the regular world's generation
Q: Why would you make an addon that makes flat worlds not flat anymore?
A: I use it because the technique that i use (spawning structure files) needs the world to be flat

Q: Why did you not add these features into the regular world's generation?
A: Because the technique that i use is way more customizable than using normal feature files
This Mod Is Good And The Title That a few people Might not get Made Me Laugh 🤣
You probably should have made it with features instead of
Features don’t work on flat worlds
If you by features mean villages then they are planned in a future release