Craft The Uncraftable!

wanted to craft things you cant craft normally in survival? well with this mod you can craft uncraftable items in 100% SURVIVAL! (you cant get achiviements and its because of a mod but its still survival!)

Select version for changelog:

  • Changed Link to download the mod from linkvertise to lootlabs



Installation Guides

All of the features of this addon are overpowered and unbalanced. The pig spawn egg only requires 1 porkchop and an egg, while pigs drop 2 or 3 pork, this makes it so you can get infinite pigs. People can get obsidian and ender pearls a bit later into early game but still pretty early game, this already allows you to make overpowered XP farms and loot farms. What if someone placed pigs in one spawner and chickens in another, Now they have infinite eggs, and infinite infinite pigs because of the problem I mentioned earlier with the porkchops.
when i update the mod i will keep that in mind
Someome get this man a promotion