Published on September 07, 2023 (Updated on April 15, 2024)

DeadZone Add-on V1.5.2

Yo, my name NekoZack, but you can call me Zack or neko.

I am the creator of DeadZone and the founder of the Neko i Project.

so.. DeadZone, what is deadzone?

DeadZone is a survivalist addon where this addon makes you a survivor in a post-apocalypse. The goal of this addon is to survive as long as possible and look for loot in every building you find, and create your own story.

What makes DeadZone a bit different?

In terms of the appearance of its unique weapons that take the style of "2.5D" models and also the variety of clothes and accessories that you can wear for your appearance in post-Apocalypse and also a nice texture to look at.

Select version for changelog:





- add mobs can be buried with shovel

- add KURU effect

- add Players can take meat from players/humans corpse

- add refillable water from water _yeat_

- add 2 misc item

- add stun grenade

- add useable waterpump

- add explosive distance sound (only for addon)

- add 6 clothing (+6 shirt)

- add C4 explosive

- add 21 cosmetic (+14 headwear, +8 vest)

- add blood critical hit

- add 3 gun (+1 handgun, +1 shotgun, +1 AR)

- add impact sound (the sound corresponds to the block)

- add throw water when Sneaking (to ensure that the water can be drunk safely)

- add Scavenger (Friendly survivor group)

- add 34 new decoration (+32 props, +2 block)

- add can opener + new cans feature

- add more structure (+31 structure)

- add vanilla brick variant texture

- add bullet hole

- better Ambient sound (Different biome)

- Add Humvee (10 variant)

- add player Starter kit

- add infected Screamer

- add infected Commander (3 variant)

- add small HORDE

- add ammo system for survivor group (Which mean if the gun empty they will switch to melee weapon)

- Add "Smart" Variant infected

 - Can break door & Glass

 - Can open door



- rag give dirty rag

- Update Death/dead Animation controller more accurate

- Update infected (Spotted, Lootable corpse, More skin variant, infected animations)

- Update Broken bone

- Update explosive code

- Update Structure Spawn rate & change

- Add light block & camera shake to explosives

- update infected hazmat (effect & particle)

- Better NVG UI (with no effect)

- update Rare loot chance to drop the item

- Update walkie talkie message

- Update Landmine has 50/50 change to explode and drop the item

- Update bullets to low/mid/long range

- Add slowness effect on m1911 & ump45 (Stun effect)

- add some melee can stun The npc (like sledgehammer)

- New Firearm animation + Reload

- infected Military get buffed, health and damage

- add reload Voice for merauder & scavs

- New Firearm animation

- New Merauder & Scav AI

- Make stamina Hidden

- The radio has an effect when turned on & Small radio details

- New Male Hair style

- More male and Female Hair variant

- Lootbox now Drop 2-3 Items

- Npc Hold More Guns



-Fix yellow monobloc chair name

-Fix infected Hazmat corpse not giving effect

-Fix unobtainable frag grenade at loot

-Fix gun shoot sound + distance

-Fix Wooden barricade cant be crafted



-changing the structure that uses iron blocks to smooth stone

-Change AWM (300magnun) to L96a1 (7.62x51mm)



- Remove some Structure light resources

- remove Infected survivor group (code limitations)

- remove All npc corpse (everything is made into one entity)

- Remove 300Magnum ammo


Gameplay change:

- You need small Sharp melee weapon or can opener to open cans



- No hit immunity 




- add display name for merauder/scav



- fix infected/human still make a noise when dead

- Fix Night vision goggles view when shoot with snipers/Shotgun

- fix screamer corpse can't despawn (ig)

- fix Canned beef stew cant be open

- fix c4 when explosion they will drop item

- fix entity play chase sound when spawn

- fix vss ammo name from "7.9x39mm" to "9x39mm"

- Fix players get 1 hit whne get shoot



- rework angry(Chase)/idle sound for the entity



- Delete Edited Vanilla Mob 




- new infected aggressive sensor

- when the player shoot guns the Infected will not play behavior spotted anymore

- new infected noise system

- nerf/Buff infrcted hazmat/commander

- Make corpse stay more longer to despawn 

- Player no longer use bad omen as a infection effect



- fix screamer corpse

- Fix projectile impact sound

- Fix NVG view when shoot aiming with snipers

- Fix Survivor groups Display name 

- Fix mosin & Svd Typo ammo display name


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Pinned comment
in version 1.20.80 there is a bug where the item does not work as it should, we will fix it

I will update to 1.5.3 soon

- N_z (NekoZack)
Hello! I can see this add-on is in good hands of development. Generally, I liked the way this add-on changes the game. The add-on does feature a lot of guns, garment and npcs. I would also like you to consider the following bugs I have encountered throughout my last singleplayer gameplay: when player's health bar reaches zero percent, my skin appears with vanila death animation and at the same time showing the another character dying in same spot (I do not know how to explain it). Also, I found a problem with installing additional radio music, it just plays only 3 types of music, which are: "Bandit", "DayZ" and "classic music". Additionally, there was also a bugged first person animation, for instance: when you sprint with RPK or AK-47. The first person animation with all sorts of pistols look good for me. Apart from first person animation, I noticed that player's, scavenger's and marauder's arms need to be positioned a little high because they are placed too low when holding a heavy firearm, such as: ak-47 or shotguns (I am not good at defining types of firearms). And finally, I would bring you up that there's also needed a fix with all sorts of drinks as they do not work properly with thrist bar. I thank you for reading this review and hope i will look forward to seeing the update 1.5.3. Have a nice day!
The police box is bugged, because when I click on it with an object, be it a knife, gun, anything, it disappears, fix this bug, please.
The Water isn’t working for the newest MC update. Everything else is working fine. Great mod. also when I break a leg, splint doesn’t fix
I just realized this, and I do not want to compare, but adding a Road would be great because the terrain for bedrock is you know... And other add-ons implemented roads ot paths just to be able to navigate or drive a vehicle easily, please consider this road suggestion.
Creator crafter321 yt
. look at the thumbnail
The dead zone is the APZ addon that I had the most fun with, but what bothers me is the 2.5D weapon model
O dead zone é o addon de APZ que eu mais me diverti, mas o que me incomoda é o modelo das armas 2.5D
I can't download from this link. I don't get credit for the assignment. Provide a proper link!
The new animation of the zombies is very good, plus the animation of the character running with the gun, it's not great, it covers half the screen, making it kind of impossible to play.
killingforeveryone April 29, 2024 at 2:33 am
add temperature to the body which can make it hot and cold, Indonesian guns and food
how do I get rid of the slowness effect after hurting myself from fall damage I already try the splitter and it didn't let me use it