Do you need simple and streamlined medieval furniture? Do not look any further! Feudal Furniture is the mod you need, in it you will find more than 390 pieces of furniture with a simple and original minecraft style.
How is create?
Like other mods of its same collection, Feudal Furniture is created from clay, with them you can create a variety of boxes that will contain the furniture you need, the boxes will be different depending on the type of wood you want and if you want a miscellaneous decoration you will also find a box for it!
What can I decorate?
This add-on is specialized to decorate medieval areas such as ruined castles, huge cities, medieval farms and rustic houses.
Select version for changelog:
Version: 4.4
New Blocks
Added Diorite cornice wall
Added Granite cornice wall
Added Andesite cornice wall
Added Diorite Lantern
Added Granite Lantern
Added Andesite Lantern
Main Changes
The add-on is now available for 1.21.30, no experimental features are needed
The "More Addons" button has been added to the menu, this button will be used to inform you of compatible add-ons, functionalities, etc.
Emoticons have been modified, this may make the addon incompatible with other emoticon addons
The 3D model of a skeleton has been modified, it will now be seen correctly without black spots