Published on October 03, 2020

GlowSquid Addon

In this addon we will look at the GlowSquid. The GlowSquid is in Minecon live, and it will be voted against other mobs as well. But this addon is a beta, and still is in process.  


  • GlowSquidAddon.mcaddon

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

i know its not how to make spell it
Bruh momento change the texture its like you didn't even try
1. It doesn't even glow in the dark or emit light
2. It doesn't move in water
3. It isn't even the texture of the glow squid just a squid with green dots on it
4. This add-on isn't a "beta", you'll never update it because you used an add-on maker
Try harder
Doesnt even glow...
I will give it 5 star as there is not a single addon,
But can you please make it like real glow.
Yeah good idea but change the texture
MrAgentBlaze's Second Account October 04, 2020 at 4:31 am
Delete this, #downwithglowsquid
I'll give you 5 stars since this is your first addon, but you should probably improve the texture of this squid.
Dude your Addon Looks Nowhere Near The Actual Mob, If This Is Some Kind Of Troll, Ill Respect it. Hope you can do better addons next time (Befor You Say "oMg tRy mAkiNg oNe isHaRd" I understand that, and I have no interest Ofmaking An Addon Cause Im Lazy Af)
I mean was this supposed to be a joke?
It s not a glow squid You just put blue dots at a normal squid texture Put effort next time