Published on February 16, 2022 (Updated on July 05, 2022)

Helmet To Chestplate

By using resource packs on Bedrock edition, it is possible to change the way a helmet renders to use the chestplate model, this allows your character to seemingly wear an Elytra alongside a chestplate, and not have a helmet covering your face.

Select version for changelog:


Optimized for low end devices.

New update soon with new mechanism



  • Helmet_to_chestplate.mcpack (55.09 KB)

Installation Guides

I am not going to use it, but it shouldn't have a 3 star rating because some guy decides that commands in a survival world are better.
equip an elytra and then do /replaceitem entity @s slot.armor.head 0 netherite_chestplate
Well this doesn't require commands, and it's achievement-friendly. Your 1 star rating does not justify
Ah, yes, let's just type some commands in Survival mode.
Hey its possible if you activate cheats but i get where you're coming from since people like worlds where you can get achievements
i would rather want to use a resource pack for that than using commands that will turn off achievements.