Published on April 19, 2023

Ore Crops v1.0

Ever wanted to have ore farms in Minecraft? Are your in need of more ores for equipment? Are you tiring of throwing wheat seeds? With this addon you can make that ore farm dream come true! This Add-On adds 9 new ore crops and more to come!!!

Select version for changelog:

  • Added ore seeds recipes
  • Added Iron crops
  • Added Coal crops
  • Added Lapis crops
  • Added Amethyst crops
  • Added Quartz crops
  • Added Diamond crops
  • Added Emerald crops
  • Added Gold crops
  • Added Redstone crops


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Not working!!! Game version:
it no longer works in 1.20.72 :(
Until when do they pass it until 1.21.0? Mineral crops no longer grow. Can you update it to 1.21 please.
no sé si sea solo a mi pero, el problema es que al salir de mi mundos los cultivos se rompen al volver a entrar al mundo, hice un servidor de addons y justo este addon no funcionaba bien ya que al fabricar las semillas y plantarlas estas solo se rompen al instante, porfavor arreglenlo :c
Please add netherite
In your next update I would like you to add:

1. Netherite Shard Seeds (so it's balanced).

2. Seeds of luminous stone powder.

3. Seeds of Blaze rods.

4. Seeds of enderman pearls.

i cant place them on farmland... why?
This doesn’t not appear to work on Realms, or I have a conflict with another addon…. Tried removing several other addons, but no dice. For context, when I try to plant on farmland, seed breaks and disappears, farmland reverts back to dirt.
Sería bueno que en vez de que suelte el mineral suelte sea como fragmentos de los minerales para que no sea tan op y que Toque conseguir 9 fragmentos para 1-2 lingotes de cada mineral
You could try reaching out to the creator of More Tools, making a custom ores setting for it as well, and not forgetring copper and making fortune usable to
Fortune applied to new blocks is currently not supported. We tried so hard so implement that. We will se what we can do to add custom ore crops from other addons. Thanks for the comment!
Also add gunpowder seed that will be useful if you playing with gun add-on