Published on September 25, 2021 (Updated on January 04, 2023)

Profitable Fishing Add-On

Welcome to this addon. Fishing on minecraft has never been more profitable and hardly anyone does. To have a nicer experience, with this addon you'll be able to fish in addition to fish, several other items of minecraft.

Select version for changelog:


- Due to knowledge issues, these versions were missing several decoration blocks and normal blocks and have been added now. Changed profitable fishing blocks and decoration items;

- Added more than 50 blocks such as concrete, glass and more;

- Added more than 50 decoration items to the other version.


Installation Guides

pollution mod
Minecraft game send an already install addon message but the only install addon that looks alike and I have installed is the "profitable cat addon". Try to install it by extracting the zip file but doesn't know what to do with the loot tables folder, data file, manifest.json file and pack_icon.png file. Need some help with that, please. Don't want to make a mistake. Any idea?

Try to install addons separately. No issues with Potions, Decorating items, rare items, blocks, plants and foods. With the all items, weapons and armors ones send me an duplicate pack installation message. Really weird.
There really is a bug in this, I will fix it as soon as possible, as soon as you see this message I will have fixed the profitable cat links, so you can download and play with both. Sorry.
So the reason was cos cats were making trouble, lol. That's ok, don't worry. Yours addons really rocks.
Awesome addon, makes fishing rods wayyy more useful and will definitely require less grinding, although I feel like it is a little too op (also what font do you use for the thumbnail thing (the newest one), I've been interested in things like that and wanna find out how different people do that)
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Oh thanks for the feedback. Currently for text fonts I use textstudio but I intend to change as it is a bit small but I recommend it.
This add-on does seem really good but the only problem I have with it is that it seems really op. is it possible to make a different version but not as over powered? like not including spawn eggs, enchantment tables, end portal frames, beacons, diamond weapons/ Armours, netherite stuff etc. Or things you can only find from other dimensions. I apologize if I'm asking for to much ;-;
In some of these versions of items more ops are less likely to be fished and may take longer to find them, but I will improve this even more. thanks for feedback :)
Can you make an addon for hostile mobs to put blocks, destroy blocks and mine blocks?
It's a little complex but I can try later. Thanks for feedback
thank you for responding to my comment😊 if it could be simplified just a few mobs and each has 1 skill such as zombies that can destroy blocks, husk who put blocks, or enderman who can install tnt (kidding) or more simply a few mobs that you can make, so you don't have difficulty in making it.
It would be nice if you gave your files different identifiers so they can all be installed at the same time and then you just activate the one you want to use. It's annoying to have to have uninstall and reinstall just to change the fishing type that I want to use.
I'm still fixing them all so that it doesn't harm anyone who wants to download more than one, but I'll probably fix it later this month
Does this addon completely replace the default fishing loot table or just add to it?
Just add, all items that would have been fished before in normal minecraft continue to be fished
So which one do I download? I only get one choice of extra things to fish up?
Yes. It doesn't all work at the same time, you decide if you want one more op or not, instructions are in the post for each.
De mis favoritos
Awesome addon! But is the diamond helmet all you get or do you get more armor? Just would like to know; thank you.
At the moment the items to be fished are relatively few compared to all that exist in the game, but soon we will update to be able to catch many more items including all the armor.
Sweet! Thank you and sorry for the late reply; I appreciate it, gonna delete the old one I have downloaded and install this new update: also, is it possible to have more than one item being fished? For example, when you get a Salmon, is it possible to get 2-3 instead of just one? If not, no worries, just a question I had since I started fishing on Minecraft. Lol
Unfortunately we don't put this function. Thank you for rating us well. Any problem or suggestion about the addon can let us know
Not a problem, just wanted to know if it was possible; you're welcome, I don't like to rate unless I try the add-on and since I was able to give this one a full play I thought I'd better rate and say it's a fun and useful addon to the game. Lastly, is it possible to make more fishing rod variations like tools? Have an iron, gold, diamond and so on fishing rods? If not, it's okay, still will use this add-on no matter what; keep up your hard and amazing work!
I don't think so, but thanks for evaluating the addon and for the compliment, for any improvement you can comment, no problem
Hello again! Been a while but incredible Add-on! I do have a request if possible; is it possible to add a Enchantment Book Fishing? It's so difficult to find Mending and Frost Walkers and this has always been my go to and since Rare Items isn't focused on Enchantment Books I thought I'd send in a request: sorry for the long message, I hope you have a blessed week and looking forward to hearing back from you. :D