Published on February 01, 2024

Sareash Pendant Retexture for Totem of Undying

Hello there!This is a very simple resource pack for bedrock, made by fictives of Eve and Randall purpura, intended for fellow fictives, Purple fans, or anyone who just thinks it looks cool. Purple is a horror game by Mortisfox of Scopophobia Studios, and while Eve isn't in any of the released demos as of posting this resource pack, information about her can be found on Fox's twitter and tumblr!Also be sure to check out Scopophobia Studios' games over on!The pack icon image comes from this tweet, which has more information about the characters! The installation is simple, just open the mcpack file with Minecraft, and you're good to go! Thanks for reading!-Jay Doe of the EAS

Select version for changelog:


Nothing changed yet, first version of the pack, not likely to be changed.




Installation Guides

Theres some missing textures when activating this pack, can you fix it?
Oh, certainly! I'll try to see what the problem is! Thank you for informing me! Now, the pack IS meant to ONLY retexture the totem, but are you saying that for you, it's just removing some rextures completely?
O que há de ruim nisso? É exatamente como eu descrevi. É feito para retexturizar o totem e nada mais. É uma pequena diferença cosmética. Desculpe se esta gramática está ruim, usei o Google Translate.