Published on December 20, 2020 (Updated on December 24, 2020)


Want to play Minecraft using only one slot? Slotted let's you do just that! Just add the add-on to your world and slotted will take care of your inventory, NO COMMAND BLOCKS REQUIRED!

Select version for changelog:


Added function slotted/unlock_hotbar for people who enjoy hotbar only gameplay!


  • Slotted_1608791746.mcaddon

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

I love this addon, so, so much. also, I would also like a way to unlock the fourth and fifth slot, and i would suggest the order from 2 - 5 goes iron, emerald, gold, diamond.
play this with stupidly op mods
masochism 100
I played it with a realistic crafting mod.. the pain was real...
Ok I love this Addon, but I have one question. How did you apply the slot locked component to those items with the item components in the give command? I have looked everywhere for a tutorial on this but can’t figure it out/find one. Will you give me an example with giving @p a block of stone that is locked?
new feature that was listed in the change logs. you can look at my function files if u want an example
/give @s apple 1 0 {"item_lock": {"mode": "lock_in_inventory"}}
/give @s apple 1 0 {"item_lock": {"mode": "lock_in_slot"}}
/give @s apple 1 0 {"keep_on_death": {}}
So uh, I'd like to say that uh, this addon should have another slot crystal thats diamond, and one thats gold. It should also add a way to craft unusable slots.
Can you make addon like this, but with all hotbar unlocked? Playing with 3 slotst can be too hard
I'm gonna add that as a function command.
You can use /function slotted/unlock_hotbar to play with only your hotbar unlocked.
I was gonna make this but since you made it for everyone I dont have to make it. I'm just gonna use it for a map that's just for fun.
You're allowed to use my addon everywhere (maps, videos, modpacks, ect.) as long as you credit me in the description.