Published on August 10, 2022

SpongeBob Addon

SpongeBob is a sea sponge that surely everyone knows for his famous cartoon, in this addon add SpongeBob and his friends to our Minecraft. This addon is under development so it may have bugs and if you want to see any character tell me in the comments for the next update


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Hello, creator, can I get your authorization to upload this module to Netease My World?
You should definitely add doodlebob. (The one that is just a crude drawing of SpongeBob, which SpongeBob drew)

All he says is "MIHOY MI NOIN NOIN" (you could make it to where he griefs like endermen/foxes do) and wields the pencil that brought him into existence.

Could also make the pencil an item. Just an idea.
gracias por la idea bro si esta buena
Chito-Ignacio-728-Jaime August 10, 2022 at 10:44 am
Hey, Safelamp9066, cool mod! I hope you add more SpongeBob characters because I am a fan of SpongeBob