Published on August 31, 2023

Sword add-on

Exploring New Sword Add-on in Minecraft: Emerald, Copper, Amethyst, and BeyondThe latest sword add-ons in Minecraft have brought an exciting variety of materials, including emerald, copper, and amethyst. These unique swords add a strategic dimension to combat, allowing players to choose between durability, dynamic oxidation, or healing. In addition to these additions, the well-known diamond, iron, gold, and netherite swords offer a diversity of play styles. Now, adventurers have a range of options at their disposal to face the challenges of Minecraft in creative and exhilarating ways.

Select version for changelog:



  • amethyst
  • copper
  • diamond
  • emerald
  • golden
  • iron
  • stone
  • wooden
  • crafts


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

you can do control + shift + s and drag your courser to take a screenshot quickly that doesn't include the stuff showing your pc like the apps you have open.
The sword 3D textures look gorgeous! However the durability for the new swords is only 100. When swinging with the swords it looks out of place since they're angled differently, if there were a custom animation it would look great and the sword abilities do not work. My final criticism is that other than texture the vanilla swords don't receive a change; the description made it sound like the vanilla swords each were changed so they have their own benefits over the others so if that wasn't your intention it sounds misleading. This was only uploaded today so it's understandable it has some bugs and I can't wait to see how this addon will turn out