Published on CurseForge April 24, 2024 (Updated on June 20, 2024)

System Enchantements V1.4


  • System's Enchantements RSV1.4.mcpack (112.05 KB)
  • System's Enchantements BH V1.4.mcpack (44.51 KB)
  • System's Enchantements RS.mcpack (112.05 KB)
  • System's Enchantements BH.mcpack (41.53 KB)

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

it has some error like when enchant only enchant 2 or 3 enchantment, i can't enchant all on 1 item
Update Pls!!!
thes mode not working in mcpe version 1.21.22 please update these mode
hay unos encantamientos que no deja poner
eu acho que poderiam melhorar a forma como a bancada usa o xp ,por que pegar 30 níveis é um pouco demais.
whenever you wear armour the enchants like haste don’t work, also could you make them work on other players.
is there any way to remove enchants, the ethereal enchant was actually strip for some reason on my pick that full enchanted, wanted to know if there was a way to re do it without making a new pick
Hay muchos encantamientos que no funcionan en las herramientas. Los encantamientos de armadura solo funcionan cuando te quitas el casco. Además a veces sus efectos secundarios van cuando estás agachado o en el agua.

Tiene bastantes bugs este mod, pero si se arreglase sería excelente.
Hi! I'm back- sorry to be a bother ONE MORE TIME but this pack is literally super duper amazing so I have to. Everything works PERFECT. Aternos, single player- etc. BUT on realms, trying to add this pack has their weird bug "Error when applying content" "failed to upload pack S" "some of the selected content could not be applied."
Tbh I have zero idea what that means on a technical term or why, but if you do figure it out, it would make my WHOLLEEEE heckin year. I have a discord server full of people waiting for me to finish this world I'm working on but the "eternal" enchantment and many others in here are impossible to find anywhere else. Regardless, tysm for keeping this pack updated! Ur awesome man!
some of the custom weapons still don't work, even if it's in the sword category like if it's a scythe or something but it's cool though
I really don't wanna hate but dude I really hate this mod because it never works I can't even add it to my realm super frustrating
Some enchants such as impulses and shared damage don't work, all enchants are limited to 2 which is very bothersome to work around, custom weapons cannot be enchanted though they work fine on an addon like Hog's Enchants. All in all though, an excellent addon! I hope you'll repair these issues and I appreciate the effort.
Is there any reason things like Water Impulse and Health wouldnt work? in 1.20.80 with other addons such as Kiranaked's Reinforced Armor and Raiyon's More Tools, but you say it is compatible with other addons so I dont see why these things would not work (worth noting Kiranaked's addon also is having issues (but that is with trims).
the armor enchantment doesn't work
Doesnt let me put more than 2 custom enchant on any given item, i am on 1.20.80 if that helps