Published on September 07, 2020

Text+ (Colors)

Text+ changes some names of some items and even gives colors. It gives colors to names such as Yellow Hardened Clay, Silver Wool, Diamond Sword, Golden Boots, etc.! It includes 3 different settings.

Select version for changelog:


Changed thumbnail, and added more colors and bug fixes (ik its just a .lang im sorry i screwed up shovel names)


  • text_plus_1599441496.mcpack

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Can You Make for all the tools and armor because u only seem to do it to some of it only can you put durability
I do not think I can do anything about durability but I will add more colors for stuff like banners in the future.
If you have downloaded this pack, did it work for you? I can’t seem to get thus to work on iOS. Please reply if you can.
Never mind it looks like these don't work on iOS. It's working on Win10