Published on August 27, 2023 (Updated on December 20, 2023)

Unofficial Music Pack

Are you playing on cracked minecraft?

And theres no music?

This pack fixes it by adding Minecraft's music into your game!  - - - - - - - - - 

Select version for changelog:


Version 1 (first version); 

Adds minecraft music for jukebox and backround music to work


Fixed "pigstep" not working because of the missing code


Supported Minecraft versions


Installation Guides

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I fixed it now, i noticed that the uuid in the modules isn't complete. 100 people downloaded the jukebox and that was so embarrassing. Out of 100 only one told me, thank you so much
"Provided '/modules/0/uuid' element is not a valid UUID in pack manifest." Pleaae fix this or tell me how to fix this.
Nvm I managed to add it to one of my very own texture pack! And now it works. If it wont work for u Ill attach a hole new manifest wich u can copy and paste to the manifest.json file.
"format_version": 2,
"header": {
"name": "Unofficial Music Pack §lJukebox",
"description": "Pack made by lelk2803 to fix minecraft's music",
"uuid": "8f78d5f0-e2f9-4836-80b1-c97efdcde91c",
"version": [1, 21, 0],
"min_engine_version": [ 1, 13, 0 ]
"modules": [
"description": "Version 1.21 [1.20.40]",
"type": "resources",
"uuid": "1e703c40-56b8-4e10-b064-e0a553899915",
"version": [0, 1, 1]
Really cool pack, definitely adds the music back into the game, only problem is the pack(I've only downloaded the background one) is causing all the leafs except cherry blossom leafs to turn into the unknown magenta and black checkered block :( not sure what's going on but can that be check on?
I messed around a little more and realized it only does that when the sound pack is equipped directly to a world or my global resources, but if I don't have it activated to anything, the music still plays in the back! so I guess it's fine as long as I don't equip it because now I can hear the music in my game regardless
Yes you're corrrect, the file was too big for a world so minecraft is having a hard time loading the textures. Its better to just equip it in the settings. It actually works everywhere even on servers; well if they dont have packs that require for you to download and that replaces your pack with theirs.
Thanks for appreciating my pack you don't mind rating it don't you?
Thanks for liking my pack! Anyways i think i know what this is. Maybe you don't have enough storage, that's why minecraft has a hard time loading textures. Try some cleaning in your phone and you're done!
Don't worry im always here, i check my mods everytime :)
Jukebox pack doesn't work. It says there's not a valid uuid after i imported it. Hopefully you can fix it.
Really? Thanks I will check the codes now!!
I fixed the missing comma on manifest.json codes now it should work
Is the updated version out yet or no?
It is i replaced the file to the fixed one
Ok thanks 👍
It still didn't work at first so i may have taken a few liberties and found out that you have to replace the uuids with a whole new uuid. I did that and the pack worked.
I fixed it now, i noticed that the uuid in the modules isn't complete. 100 people downloaded the jukebox and that was so embarrassing. Out of 100 only one told me, thank you so much
how to put it on the game?
Watch a tutorial on youtube. "How to import resource pack in minecraft bedrock/pocket edition"
You just extract the zip file on Android/data/com.mojang.minecraftpe/files/resourcepack

But if you dont understand you can look at youtube
well, i dig into some files and you forgot to list pigstep
Here's one problem: pigstep doesn't play