Published on February 12, 2023

Warden to Iron Man Converter

Turns the Warden into Iron Man, painstakingly done on Blockbench. 

Introduction: I created the same model, but the first time there were bugs, then I had to copy all the sizes and redo the model, I thought it was the Bridge, but it was the Blockbench because I had duplicated the legs to copy the texture, but the folders were joined , then I had to redo it, and at the moment of redoing it I fixed the pivots so that there were no more errors.

Select version for changelog:





  • Iron_Man_convert_Warden_RP.mcpack (1.05 MB)

Supported Minecraft versions


Installation Guides

I feel you buddy .
it puts the inside the addon warden and real one
1-there are bugs in this addon 2-awm and gol awm isnt even working 3-the crucible isnt even doing dmg and this addon is very broken