This is the Beyond The Portal: Find The Button
by manifest
This is a find the button map which celebrates the release of the all new 1.16 Nether Update that launched early June 2020!
Select version for changelog:
Beyond The Portal Changelog v1.0.9 (The Re-brand)
I've moved everything over from my old 'alienboy' account to the new 'manifest.' account so expect frequent-ish updates from this point forward! (thanks MCPEDL team)
- changed the necessary text in-game to fit with the re-branding
- changed feature image
- changed showcase images (they're now direct gameplay)
- fixed animated sign at spawn
- fixed a few other bugs
(sorry for late reply also)
like lighting up the map more it was very dark
and that lodestone wall with signs?
right behind the wall theres a opening where u missed netherrack