Published on February 15, 2024 (Updated on March 04, 2024)

Damage Counter

An addition to the Minecraft Bedrock game that adds a display of damage done. The color of the displayed number changes depending on the nature of the damage, allowing players to quickly assess the strength of the attack. This improvement will help players more accurately assess their actions and make more informed decisions in game situations.

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This add-on was created for convenience not only in survival but also for other add-on creators.

The addon is convenient because it shows not only the amount of damage dealt and received, but also marks the type of damage. Such marks include lightning, fire, drowning, suffocation and frostbite, as well as for damage associated with other damage such as damage from bushes with berries or a block on the head, etc.

Different degrees of damage will be marked with a '!' sign. There are three degrees 10, 100, 1000. On each of them, after the damage, one '!' will be assigned.

And also depending on the nature of the damage, the color of the damage will change.


  • damage_counter.mcaddon (4 KB)

Installation Guides

hi,can update to1.20.80? it don't working😞
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Script looks pretty familiar lol

Ya could've at least asked first before modifying my code.
what an interesting coincidence ;)

but alas, you have nothing to do with my addon, for the most part I relied on the advice of the AI bot and articles on and simple mathematics.

I already saw your post when they started accusing me of theft. I actually don’t like to sit on websites and look through something, and I started using mcpedl only so that my projects could express themselves. I was inspired by Terraria to create this addon, and during the creation process the idea came up to give the damage a different color that depends on the nature of the damage.

but if you want we can talk on discord @22800, maybe we'll even do a collaboration, who knows
Explain this piece of code:
mine: world.getDimension('dmgnumbers:damage_number', { x: loc.x, y: loc.y + 0, z: loc.z })

yours: world.getDimension('counter:damage', { x: loc.x, y: loc.y + 0, z: loc.z })

The only thing you changed was the identifier in this piece of code. You don't even need the + 0 for the y, why would we BOTH have it? I have it in mine cause i was messing with the Y values for spawning the number and forgot to take it out.

If you remake the code, not using ANY of mine, i'll be fine with this post.
It’s funny, but for me it’s zero for the same reason as for you. Initially, I wanted the damage to be shown above the head, but since there are mobs larger or smaller than two blocks in height, I erased these numbers, but apparently I missed something.
I told you you stole it, I wasn't going to let you go away with it
stop blaming me for something that didn't happen
There are MANY other similarities too. Some that are exactly the same. Explain that. like the applyImpulse. the stuff i added there didn't really make a difference (really all you needed was the Y value), and WOW you have it in your code too.
x and z are needed so that the mob does not fall perfectly evenly, and since 1 is already too much, it was necessary to give them a negative value
Bro ain't got no shame stealing it
You stole the add-on, I'm not sure if there's any way to report on mcpedl
It's made by "alien edds" not you
I already saw that he made such an addon before me. But all that unites us is a similar goal.