Published on December 09, 2020 (Updated on March 04, 2024)

Java 1.7 Animations V2

Do you hate the vanilla Bedrock Edition player animations and general feel of the new Bedrock, ever since 1.13.0? Or maybe you want yet another way to make Bedrock look and feel closer to Java Edition, especially for PVP. Look no further, because this pack makes many improvements and tweaks to player animations to more closely resemble Java edition 1.7 (and even bedrock 1.12.1!). This pack has been completely rewritten/revamped for 1.16, 1.17, and 1.18!

Select version for changelog:


- removed monetized links

- add 2 subpacks with no red armor overlay
- remove some dead code

- tweak redder armor overlay values
- more minor tweaks to cape animations

- fix capes not being attached to the player when emoting
- add back fire visibility for flame arrows and fireballs
- show all 32 frames of fire texture instead of the first 16

- fix local player head rotation when sleeping
- redo cape animations to look more like java edition

- remove MCPE glint shaders due to invisibility glitches on some devices

- fix hat layer of helmets missing (for custom textures that had it)

- fix arms rotating strangely in 1st person when riding horses

- update glint shaders to 1.18 (backwards compatible)

- fix entities being invisible on some mobile devices
- tweak cape animation slightly

- fix food eating particles being too obtrusive in 1st person
- fix projectile break particles having no velocity and looking too big

Completely rewrote the pack from scratch

- fixed/remade all attachable animations in 1st in 3rd person
- fixed the sprint jump animation bug
- made the player head rotation look more like java
- show armor enchantment glint again
- semi-fix leather armor showing white (now shows brown except for in vanilla 1.16.0-40 worlds, I can't improve this)
- made smoother player attack rotations
- better swimming animations
- revamp damage particles, make them look more like Java
- fix slight delay when damage particles emit
- tweak eating particles
- fixed java fire model showing when player died
- add less pixelated enchantment glint for non-render dragon devices
- punch-eating animation has been removed due to inconsistencies on servers, and I also didn't like it
- increased food eating particles, improved their appearance
- many more small QOL fixes
- reduce pack size
- add new subpack configurations
- support version 1.16.0-1.18.x (in the form of 3 different packs for specific versions)



Installation Guides

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IMPORTANT: If you are a mobile player and you experienced a bug where all entities, including players, were invisible when using the Java 1.7 Animations V2 pack, please redownload! I have identified the issue with the help of some testers and it is now fixed as of 12/26/21.
Please update to 1.20.12!! Thank You
Hi, I'm Jh0nzxx, a Brazilian YouTuber, I can use your texture animations in my texture files that I'm making to record videos. This texture will be released to some people, and of course I will give credit.
Hello I Know I am late A Bit But Can You Tell Me If I Can Have Permission To Use Those Animations Into My Upcoming Pack,Have A Great Day
Can you fix skins changing to Steve? Is this possibile?
how do i see the keystrokes
is there any way to get V1? I'm not really a fan of the V2 added animations and I'm also not able to see my cape
Please update to 1.20. Capes are completely gone and the crossbow animation is bugged because the hands disappeared.
1.20 update?
The cape overlay doesn't work with elytra
update it to 1.20 please
I Recommend using onix client for 1.16 then.
Please Update! Not compatible with the new Update because of custom armor and shields with banners! Please I beg you! This texture pack is amazing!
I Recommend using onix client for 1.16 then.
Can I use this in my own client?
I will credit you 100%
I need it because I lost my animations for my client
In the latest minecraft ubdate armor_trims are not visible please fix this