Published on January 24, 2024 (Updated on February 26, 2024)

The Warden Secrets

Do you want to have more wardens in your world, without breaking it too much?, and that have a vanilla appearance?, then you will love this addon! This Addon adds up to 5 new entities similar to the warden, but with a slightly different behavior. Many more will be added in the future. The hollowed and the stalker use totally new sounds!


Select version for changelog:


Updated V1.2:

  • Added Leaky, a new type of Hollowed.
  • New structures called Dark Sculk Cities! were added, where Stalkers will spawn in their Statue form.
  • Stalkers now spawn in statue form.
  • Temporarily removed Dark Sculk Caves, Dark Sculk Shriekers, in the next version they will be used again!
  • Added unique animations for all Holloweds, and Stalkers.
  • New items were added: stalker gem, and fake stalker gem.
  • Fixed bug where Skeleton Warden summons Sculk Block monster or Corrupted Sculk Block infinitely!
  • Improved textures related to Bone Sculk!


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

The same issue as in old Pigman addon, the biomes and structures don't spawn on my xbox, please fix it :'(
Here's what i get on my map. I've cut it a bit but most of entities could be broken

[Json][warning]-Мой мир | actor_definitions | C:/Users/user/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalState/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds/fn62ZZxRMgA=/behavior_packs/Warden'sSe | warden_evo:stalker1 | minecraft:entity | component_groups | teleport | Wrong number of entries provided for 3 variable array

[Json][warning]-Мой мир | actor_definitions | C:/Users/user/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalState/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds/fn62ZZxRMgA=/behavior_packs/Warden'sSe | warden_evo:gemless_stalker_transform1 | minecraft:entity | component_groups | teleport | Wrong number of entries provided for 3 variable array

[Json][warning]-Мой мир | actor_definitions |

[Json][warning]-Мой мир | actor_definitions | C:/Users/user/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalState/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds/fn62ZZxRMgA=/behavior_packs/Warden'sSe | warden_evo:gemless_stalker2 | minecraft:entity | component_groups | teleport | Wrong number of entries provided for 3 variable array

[Json][warning]-Мой мир | actor_definitions | C:/Users/user/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalState/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds/fn62ZZxRMgA=/behavior_packs/Warden'sSe | warden_evo:gemless_stalker1 | minecraft:entity | component_groups | teleport | Wrong number of entries provided for 3 variable array

[Localization][warning]-Line: 1 - Invalid lang file format. New line character was found while parsing key: '//blocks'.

[Effects][error]-particles/dark_vibration_signal.json | ParticleEffect::_extractComponents | minecraft:particle_appearance_billboard | ParticleAppearanceBillboardComponent | uv | flipbook | max_frame | max_frame | required field does not exist
How strange, I suppose you activated all the experiments, and not both packages? I have tested the addon on both cell phone and PC and it works correctly.
Thx for the answer!
Well, I activated all the experiments and imported both packages on my PC. Today I'll try to put it on my server and write back if it works fine.
Everything has been working fine for two days. I still get the pop ups. But it doesnt influence the server much. Thanks!
I’ve had this same problem and in the past too, but this is not a problem with the Addon, maybe you can find something online to disable those weird popups

Edit: Apparently this is not a bug but is actually a setting, you have to disable “content log gui” hopefully that fixes the problem since I’ve not tested it myself yet
Yep, I enabled logs manually because I want to know whether it would work fine on my server after without crashing.
Ah I see, well it should work in your server without any problems (I get those popups even with different addons)
For me all the blocks come out without texture and say UPDATE :( except the skulk sensors
It is rare that this happens to you, if you activated both packages in your world the textures should work, in which case you can write to me on my discord: IsraOrbit
will you add custom items in later updates like tools?
Hint: Gems
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Thanks for the mod! It's great. What I suggest to repair is the pack_icon.png size. It's almost 3,5mb! Just one file
Thanks for commenting!, yes in the next update I will lower the weight of the icon
"do you want to have more wardens" No! no we dont!
Facts 🤭
like a sckul modpack?