Published on August 28, 2020 (Updated on August 30, 2020)

The Candy Addon

This pack includes easy recipes to make candy. All of this candy will give you quite a bit of hunger. Below you can see all the crafting recipes for all of the candy. If you had a cocoa bean farm or sugar cane farm, you would be able to get candy very easily. This is the first version of this pack and you can suggest more ideas for this pack, or others in the comments.

Select version for changelog:

  • Added Chocolate Cow and Sugar Pig
  • More Pretzels per Batch
  • Got rid of Cooke (Minecraft already has Cookies)
  • Added an Installation Description



  • CandyAddon-1.0.2_1598711628.mcaddon

Installation Guides

I think you should triple the amount of pretzels crafted per batch. Also, we already have cookies.
Thank you for the suggestion on adding more pretzels per batch. I can not believe that I forgot Minecraft already had cookies! Thank you for reminding me of that, both of those will be added in The Candy Addon Version 1.0.2